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Table of Contents

Volume 1 | Issue 3
Page Nos. 89-123
Accessed 29394

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Influence of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (AM) Fungi in some selected contaminated soils of Visakhapatnam p. 89-93
Y. A. Maruthi, V. D. Rao, M. Sravani and N. Sagar

Identification of medicinal plants using PCR-RFLP in Dasamula - an Ayurvedic drug p. 94-99
K. Biswas, R. Biswas

Clinical evaluation of Guduchyadi Yoga and its combination with Udvartana by Haritaki in the management of Sthaulya with special reference to obesity p. 100-104
M. A. Pandit, S. N. Ojha

Stability indicating HPLC determination of Erdosteine in bulk drug and pharmaceutical dosage form p. 105-109
Md. M.G. Khan, P.S. Jain, A.A. Shirkhedkar, R.A. Fursule, N. K. Kale, S. J. Surana

In vitro evaluation of anti-bacterial activity of Cordia dichotoma Forst on urinary tract pathogens p. 110-113
S. R. Deore, A. G. Namdeo

A review on Pyrazole derivatives of pharmacological potential p. 114-123
A. Jamwal, A. Javed, V. Bhardwaj