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Table of Contents

Jul-Sep 2017
Volume 5 | Issue 3
Page Nos. 23-29
Accessed 10815

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Original Article
Method development and validation of hydrochlorothiazide and Nebivolol in bulk and tablet formulation by reverse phase-high performance liquid chromatography method p. 23-27
Sufiyan Ahmad, Warude Kapil, Ansari Maaz, Patil Amol, Sharma Deepika

DOI: 10.31555/jpbs/2017/5/3/23-27

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Original Article
Evaluation of film-forming potential of a Cordia dichotoma gum p. 28-29
V.M. Darvhekar, S.G. Jyotishi

DOI: 10.31555/jpbs/2017/5/3/28-29

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